Thursday, March 20, 2008

I have been tagged !

*How did you meet your spouse?
We meet at an MCC institute activity. We both almost didn’t end up getting there. He and his friends had car problems on the freeway so they had to go all the way back to Phoenix to get another car and come back. I told my friends I didn’t want to go and that we should go and do something else but I got out voted.
*Where did you go on your first date?
We went to Peter Piper Pizza and then to a friend’s house to watch a movie. Orrin made a tropical drink for us and chopped up some of the spoon in the blender so it had some little black plastic pieces in it. I still ate it.
*How long have you been together?
Going on 4 years of marriage.
*Who eats more?
Orrin, a lot more!
*Who said I love you first?
*Who is taller?
Lets just say Orrin
*Who sings better?
We are both not very good. He likes to sing more than I do.
*Who is smarter?
I think that Orrin is a lot more book smart than me, but I have to say that I am always right.
*Who does the laundry?
We both do. If I haven’t done it yet he will do it. He is great.
*Who does the dishes?
I do them more at our house but he is really good at doing them when we are at my parents.
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Orrin. I am really picky which side I sleep on and it’s not always the same if we are in another place. I just get a vibe on which side I want.
*Who pays the bills?
I do
*Who mows the lawn?
Orrin likes to keep our porch looking nice so I think that when we get a yard he would do the same.
*Who cooks dinner?
We both do – I plan the meal and make sure that we have everything but he makes it on days that I work because he gets home first. I love that he does that for me.
*Who drives when you are together?
Orrin- I think I have driven maybe 5 times since we have been married- I like it that way.
*Who is more stubborn?
I think I would say that I am
*Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
I totally am. I like to just say sorry and get it over.
*Whose parents do you see the most?
We live so close to mine and go there everyday- grandma watches Wes a few hours a day.
*Who kissed who first?
He kissed me
*Who proposed?
*Who is more sensitive?
*Who has more friends?
I think about the same.
*Who has more siblings?
Orrin has 18 siblings and I have 4 siblings
*Who wears the pants?
I sometimes share them.

I want to tag my sister-in-law Jana