Sunday, June 28, 2009

Berry Picking

To celebrate the end of Orrin's first year and the beginning of his week off, we went to Sauvie Island Farms on Sauvie Island. There are millions of U pick farms around town and we thought it would be a blast for the whole family and it was! We spent a half day just picking and tasting blue berries, raspberries, and cherries. Brad loved playing in and eating the grass. Wes loved the tractor ride and checking out the farm animals. It was a such a nice day. We have been enjoying the berries all week. We even noticed after we got home that in the parking lot of our complex that there are 4 cherry trees with ripe cherries so now we are up to are ears in cherries. Good thing we love them!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Father's Day

We had a nice and relaxing Fathers Day. We all were able to take a 2 hour nap after church. I don't think we have ever done that. Then we had dinner with the 1st years to celebrate the end of a class that they all hated (integrated bioscience). It's done for ever. Yeah!!! It was a nice day for such a deserving father. Orrin always makes time for his boys even during the busy times at school and I love that about him. They love him so much. Wes made a card for Orrin with 10 reasons why he loves his daddy. My favorite is that "He plays on the floor with us". I love watching them build things and play all together on the floor. I love my boys and their amazing Father.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brad's new LOVE

I got this bath chair more for my convenience so that I could bath both boys at the same time but Brad loves it so much. He loves spending time in the water and to be able to splash around with his brother. I often will give him a bath a few times a day just because I love how happy he gets even when he just sees it.

The newest member of the Family.....

Wes has a wonderful imagination and I love hearing about all the things he dreams up in his melon. The lastest is the new member of our family... Smally. Smally is a very tiny man that fits in Wes's hand. We have to take Smally any time we leave the house. We even have forgotten him and HAD to go back in the house to get him. Wes will bring him to me and we put him in my purse or my pocket. I love my silly little man!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

For memorial day we spent the morning at Gabriel Park. It was a beautiful SUNNY day! We had a picnic, played on the play ground, and flew Orrin's little airplane. Funny thing last memorial day we spent time flying the airplane too. The boys spent about a hour playing with it. We also tried out our apartment's swimming pool (the high that day was only in the upper 70s). This was Brad's first time swimming and he loved it even though it was cold. That night I was home alone with the boys so we decided to make some homemade ice cream. Yummy!

Swimming Lessons

Wes has been taking swimming lessons for 7 weeks now and loves it. He wakes up everyday and asks if he gets to go to swimming lessons that day. His "teacher Richard"(as they call him) is so good with the kids and entertaining for the moms too. He is getting a lot better with each lesson. He now has a lot of confidence in the pool so we have to watch him even more now. He is taking swimming lessons at Harmon Swim Center and it is that is literally next door to our apartment complex. It is an indoor pool so we can take swimming lessons all year long.