Thursday, January 21, 2010

Snow Trip

To celebrate MLK day we had been planning on taking the kids to Mt. Hood to play in the snow since we missed the big snow storm here while we were in AZ for the holidays. It turned out to be the best weather we have had in a long time. It wasn't too cold and the sun even came out for a little bit. The first time in what seems like months. We decided to go to Summit Ski Resort to go sledding and so did everyone else in Portland but we still had a blast. On the way there Wesley was very excited and kept chanting "Moun-tain Hood, Moun-tain Hood,... and then pointing it out every time he saw it. I have to say the drive up there was beautiful I was even excited to see Mt. Hood with each turn. Wesley and Orrin did the sledding while Bradley and I watched and played in the snow. Bradley wasn't very fond of the snow or the cold. He had fun playing for a few minutes but then was done and had more fun playing in the lodge. Wesley did amazing! Orrin rode down with him the first time and then after that he wanted to go all on his own. I was a little nervous with him going down with all the teenagers that had come that day but he held his own and did great! He loved it. He even was begging us to go skiing and wanted to go up the ski lift. For lunch we sat in our tubes and ate lunch. It was a great way to spend time as a family while Orrin was off of school. I love "no school days". I am always counting down for the next one!