Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bradley's 6 month pictures

If you look really hard you can see his first tooth!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fathers and Sons 2009

This past weekend was Wesley's very first Fathers and Sons Campout and he loved every minute of it. A few months ago he saw a commercial on T.V. for a fishing pole and ever since then he has been begging to go fishing. I had decided that on Orrin's one week break in June that we would go camping and fishing at this place I found called Hornings Hideout . Then a few weeks later I found out that our ward's Fathers and Sons was planned for the same spot. With all the places they have to camp here in Oregon I picked the same spot! Funny. Wesley and Orrin had a blast and had many stories to tell when they got home.

They talked about the camp fire that they cooked their hotdog dinner in. Wes was very excited to tell me about the fire and how it shot little fires up into the air like fireworks.

They also got to play with Salamanders and Peacocks (that kept them up all night).

They went fishing that morning really early and caught a fish (trout) in about 20 seconds. Orrin said that the fish were biting like crazy (ready for breakfast).Then they practiced casting and played around the pond. Wes was very proud of his fish.

Wes loved fishing! (I think uncle Tyler has a new fishing buddy.) Now, every day, almost a million times a day, he asks us if we can go fishing again and bring Brad. We will definitely take another camping trip this summer. There are so many beautiful places here.

I told Orrin that if they caught a fish that I would cook it up for them for Sunday dinner. I had never cooked a fish with eyes before but I think it turned out pretty good.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Who is Who?

I was going through my pictures and saw some pictures of Wes and I thought they looked just like Brad. What do you think? These are pictures of them at 6 months. So Cute!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Growing up too Fast!

In 5 days Bradley will be 6 months! Wow it has gone by so fast for me. I am sure it's from the lack of sleep these last 6 months (Brad has not been the best sleeper). We have loved every minute of watching Brad hitting each little milestone. He has started to roll over and now always wants to be on his tummy. He is very much into everything that is going on around him and never wants to be left out. He always wants what you have in your hands or be apart of what you are doing. Which makes eating really hard. He loves to smile at anyone who will catch his eye. He even likes talking with Grandma and Grandpa on the webcam. He is a very happy baby but always wants to be held. He also loves blowing raspberries. This weekend we decided it was time for him to try some rice cereal. On our weekly Friday night shopping trip we got all the supplies. On Saturday we tried giving him some for the first time. I really didn't think that he would like it because he is very picky about how he eats (he will not take a bottle and likes to eat in a quite place). He did better than I thought. He didn't love it but I know it will take practice.

Today I came in the room and both Wes and Brad were laying on the floor. Wes was doing silly things to make Bradley giggle. It was so cute. Even though I don't get a lot of sleep, have to deal with tantrums, do everything with a baby in my arms, clean up millions of messes, I wouldn't trade any of it for these moments.

"Recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction."-Elder M. Russell Ballard