Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blue Berry Addict

I have fallen in love with Blue Berries. Oregon blue berries are so amazing. I can't get enough. I have been eating them like crazy. I hope I don't turn out this way.

Fourth of July

For the Fourth of July we went to Tigard High School with some friends to watch a fireworks show. They had a lot of fun things to do while we waited for the show to start. They had face painting, a fire truck, sack races, and a helicopter flew in and landed on the field for everyone to check out. Wes now wants to be a helicopter pilot when he grows up.

The kids had a blast playing with glow sticks and getting blanket rides. The fireworks were great. Brad even watched the whole show and didn't even get scared. The most exciting part of the night was when we were in the parking lot waiting in a long line of cars to get out. Bradley was screaming so I hopped into the back with him. Then all of the sudden Brad and I got sprayed with this glowing green stuff. Wes had been playing with his glow sticks and broke it open and it sprayed all over us. I freaked out at first because I had no idea what it was. It was a funny ending to the night.