Sunday, June 22, 2008

Looking for a New Home

This past weekend Orrin and I went to Portland, OR in search of a place for us to live while Orrin goes to Dental school for the next four years. We spent most of the time looking for a home but we did get to see the Portland Temple, the first home I ever lived in, and we got to check out the dental school.

We are very excited to move to such a beautiful place. We have heard that it rains a lot in the winter but it was so beautiful and sunny the whole time we were there.

We also wanted to thank shawn and tasha for showing us around Portland and also informing us of the gas station procedures there. Everywhere in Portland they have gas attendants. They are the only ones allowed to fill your gas tank. So I had get a picture of ours just to prove it.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's a BOY!!

So we found out this weekend that Wesley is going to have a little brother. He is very excited! He is already pointing out (all the time) that he is big and the baby is small. I am sure that will continue to happen even while they are going up.

Memorial Day

This memorial day we got to hang out with lots of family. It was nice just to take a break and hang out with the people you love.

5 things on my list of things to do today:
1) play with Wesley
2) get ready for our big move to Portland( there is so much stuff to do I just keep adding more and more to that list)
3) Clean
4) Laundry (never ending with two boys in the house)

Snacks I enjoy:
1) ice cream
2) cookies
3) crackers & chips
4) cheese
5) apples ( for right now while I have been prego)

5 things I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire:
1) pay for Orrin’s school (I think that would take care of most of it)
2) buy big gifts for our family
3) buy a house

5 places I've lived:
1) Portland, OR
2) Yuma, AZ
3) Seattle, WA
4) Mesa, AZ
5) In a few months Portland, OR again

Jobs I've held:
1) working for my dad’s office as a receptionist for 11 years nonstop! WOW (I have only a few weeks left)
2) a mom to a 2 year old

5 things people don't know about me:
1) I am obsessed with getting a good deal
2) I have the greatest husband and family in the world
3) I love to sleep in (doesn’t happen anymore)
4) I love to take pictures (I get that from my dad)