Sunday, September 6, 2009

Beaverton Ward Campout #2

This was our 2nd time going to the Beaverton 3rd Ward campout so we were really excited! It was forcasted to rain all weekend but, I think we are turning into true Portlanders, and won't let a little rain stop us. We were able to have dinner, a campfire fireside, look for a missing child (not ours but still scary!), sing campfire songs, and eat smores before it really started to rain. I loved sleeping in our tent while it rained all night and into the morning. It was fun being able to spend some fun time out of church with the members of our ward.

1 comment:

shirley elizabeth said...

Your boys are growing up so much! I hate that I've missed so much of it! I can't wait for you guys to come back down to Arizona!