Monday, January 10, 2011

Halloween 2010

I have started the tradition of making the boys Halloween costumes and I really enjoy it. I am not sure how long it will last but for now its fun. Wes wanted to be a ninja and Brad was really into spiders so I picked that for him.

Brad loved putting on his costume because he knew when he did he would get candy.

With Halloween on a Sunday this year we were able to attend the trick or treating ward party. It was unpredictable weather this year so we had ward members take class rooms and decorate them and the kids trick or treated in the building. As a member of the activities committee I was really busy that whole day but the kids had a blast. Orrin was also in charge of one of the booths and decided to make it a "put your hand in the box and feel something gross" booth. He had one of his teachers sit under the table and had their had in the box and would grab it when you put it in. The kids loved that one.

Wes and his friend Matt

Members of the activities committee cut this out of cork board. It was amazing.

The goods.

Wesley also had a party at his preschool. This is him and his best friend at school Tucker. Too cute.

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