Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baby Boy #3

So I have 1 1/2 weeks until this baby will join our family. The boys are super excited and talk about it all the time. I'm a little nervous. Not only to have 3 boys in our house, but this little one is also breeched. We are schedule to go to the hospital on May 12th for a version or a c section. A version is when the Dr. pushes on your belly and tries to flip the baby in the right direction. I have heard that that is really not very fun and you can come out black and blue. If it works (its a 50/50 chance) then they will induce me. If it doesn't work they will do a c section.YUCK! I don't really like either option we will do what we have to. Wish us luck. We are super excited to meet this little one in a little bit.


Jana Adams said...

Yay!! I am so excited!

Shawn and Tasha said...

Congrats Christi! Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy. Hope everything is going well. Let me know if you would like me to take the older two for a day--really, I'd love to.

p.s. You're so beautiful pregnant!